Thursday, January 7, 2010

R U supposed to exfoliate african american skin everday?

The lady at the beauty store told me that i SHOLD BECOUSE BLACK SKIN NEEDs MORE INTENSE MOISTURE AND exfoliating the body everday will relieve the skin and keep it moisterizedR U supposed to exfoliate african american skin everday?
i've never heard that before, but extensive exfoliation can sometimes irritate/damage the skin. so if you're going to do it every day, make sure to use a gentle exfoliant. also it really depends on ur skin, do u find that u have dry skin??? if not then i would only exfoliate every other day, or 2-3 times a week, whatever u feel is necessary for ur skin.

i have mildly dry skin and i find that using a moisturizing body wash and a body poof works best for me.

moisturizing is important for anyone's skin. i would find a good daily moisturizer that u like and use it when u get out of the shower every day. again if u find that ur skin is dry then definitely go for a more intense moisturizer (something with shea or cocoa butter should work nice). but if u have normal skin (which kind of ranges from slightly oily to slightly dry) then a regular moisturizing is fine (try johnson %26amp; johnson's 24 hour moisurizer).

it's ur body, so listen to it. try a few things out and see what works best for uR U supposed to exfoliate african american skin everday?
actually exfoliating takes moisture AWAY from your skin. And it has nothing to do with if you are white or black all skin within every race is different. My advice is to go and get a facial and ask what type of product is right for your skin. They do facials @ Ulta for like 40 bucks and the asthetitian (i KNOW i spelled that wrong!!! lol ) will be able to help you out.
no. no matter which skin do you have, do not exfoliate your skin mechanically everyday. it may make your skin smoother, but it may give you a lot of damage. exfoliating removes dead skin cells, grime and dirt but it also takes away some moisture. that's why most beauty advisors call for a moisturizer after scrubbing.

instead, exfoliate your skin once a week. that's enough to make your skin healthier and better.
i dunno i am tan so i dont ever have toworry about getting a tan
Hi Ashanti, this may sound crazy but exfoliating your skin is not actually good. It can look good in short term but long term it can make ppl look older then they would of if they had not tried all the current products. All the good dermatologists say soap, water and moisturiser or just moisturiser is all any one needs. some good Vitamin B cream and some Vitamin E and a sunscreen is more then enough.

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